4 TKPC (Hong Kong Secondary School) friends came to Macau. They stayed at my place for a night yesterday. One of them went to saw a Jananese movie, Water Boys, with me at a local theater. Cost MOP$30.00. It's a very good movie.
Saturday, March 30, 2002
Monday, March 18, 2002
Monday, March 11, 2002
Sunday, March 10, 2002
Spent 24 hours idling at home sleeping and watching China's Sun TV. Ate cereal with orange juice. Now I am feeling that I've overslept causing some headache...
Tuesday, March 05, 2002
AA's LH is here talking with KC. I am not sure if things will work out as planned. However, since I don't see myself fitting into the "fix" things picture, I am focusing more of my energy in planning the WJ business now. Afterall, To and aaron has put much hope into this project. Google has a new marketing tools available now! I am going to use it! It's called "Adwords"
The many days has past but there's still no response from the tenders. The NMS one and the Monetary one. I really cannot do nothing but wait. Watched all the movies in the theatres already. Careless to record them all here! Has downloaded a software called Tweaki. Helped me a lot in configuring my Win2k laptop. It's running a lot better now. I spent the last Thursday evening at Glenda's home. We chatted a lot of things. She's at the a very similar state of mind in terms of relationship. But the difference is, of course, she's with a official boyfriend but I am as single as I can get! I stopped looking for one girlfriend. I stopped. Really stopped. I am really glad.