The survey broke down the HK SME market into three categories:
- SMEs with no e-business plans or adoption of even email -- 54% of the 200,000+ SMEs in HK fall into this category.
- SMEs with at least a web-presence together with email -- 15 % fall into this category.
- SMEs with web-sites that are e-commerce enabled/integrated with internal/external backend systems -- only 3.8 % ( or about 10,000 SMEs) fall into this category, with a 0.1% increase in this figure from one year earlier.
- Total Market Size -- Forrester estimates that the US market for web hosting will be US$2.5 billion in 2000, forecasted to grow to US$19.8 billion by 2004.
- E-Business Adoption, surprisingly similar to HK SME market -- In terms of e-business adoption among SME, Forrester estimates that 15% of SME (defined as businesses with under 500 employees) will have a web presence by the end of 2000, of which 3% will be e-commerce enabled. These numbers are very similar to those in Hong Kong, although we believe Hong Kong is probably at the high end of the range in Asia.
- However, large corporate are aggressive users -- For the middle market (companies with 500-5,000 employees) and large businesses (over 5,000 employees), 75% and 96%, respectively, are forecasted to have a web presence by end of 2000, of which about a third will be e-commerce enabled in both cases. Obviously, a key driver to the data centre business is large corporate adoption, which will be a key focus point of a report that the CSFB Asian Internet team is currently working on in this area...
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