Monday, December 14, 2020

Mushroom Studies

Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric or fly amanita, is a basidiomycete of the genus Amanita. It is also a muscimol mushroom. Native throughout the temperate and boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere, Amanita muscaria has been unintentionally introduced to many countries in the Southern Hemisphere, generally as a symbiont with pine and birch plantations, and is now a true cosmopolitan species. It associates with various deciduous and coniferous trees.

毒蠅傘學名Amanita muscaria)又稱毒蠅鵝膏菌,為一種含神經性毒害的擔子菌門真菌,分類上為鵝膏菌科鵝膏菌屬的物種。毒蠅傘的生長環境遍及北半球溫帶和極地地區,且也無意間拓展到南半球,在松林裡與松樹等植物共生,如今已經成為全球性物種。毒蠅傘會和落葉型植物與結毬果的植物形成菌根。

The fatal mushroom poisoning of Count Achilles de Vecchj, an Italian diplomat residing in Washington, DC, in 1897 was widely reported in the press and served as a stimulus to promote knowledge of mush-room identification. Count de Vecchj died from eating Amanita muscaria, a toxic species not normally fatal. Subsequent investigation of the de Vecchj poisoning by botanists of the United States Department of  Agriculture  resulted  in  public  advisories  about  toxic  mushrooms  and  edible  species  sold  in  public  markets in Washington, DC. The poisoning occurred at a time of increasing popular interest in mush-room identification and mycophagy, and mushroom clubs in the northeastern United States took great interest in the case to educate the public about mushrooms.

1897年,居住在华盛顿特区的意大利外交官Achilles de Vecchj伯爵致命的蘑菇中毒事件被媒体广泛报道,并成为促进蘑菇鉴定知识的一个刺激因素。de Vecchj伯爵死于吃了一种通常不会致命的有毒菌种--Amanita muscaria。随后美国农业部的植物学家对de Vecchj中毒事件进行了调查,并发布了关于华盛顿特区公共市场上出售的有毒蘑菇和可食用物种的公共警告。中毒事件发生时,民众对蘑菇鉴别和菌类的兴趣日渐浓厚,美国东北部的蘑菇俱乐部对这一案件产生了极大的兴趣,以教育公众了解蘑菇。

In 1973, the North American Mycological Association established a toxicology committee, and in 1982, they created the Mushroom Poisoning Case Registry based on voluntary information from the regional societies and the American Association of Poison Control Centers. Only % to 1 percent of poisonings that are reported to poison control centers each year are attributed to mushrooms, and of that, according to a 30-plus-year summary of poisonings, about 1 percent end in death. Indeed, more people die of shark attacks than mushroom poisoning. The majority of reports describe gastrointestinal disturbances like vomiting and diarrhea stemming from eating a wide variety of species.


There are lesser poisonings, too, usually nonfatal but still unpleasant. One is Antabuse syndrome—named for the drug prescribed to manage alcoholism. Eating certain mushrooms with alcohol can make you sick, hence the name of the poisoning. The most famous example is the inky cap mushroom (Coprinopsis atramentaria), also known as the tippler's bane. Pantherine syndrome is a sort of inebriation—it's like being drunk, sometimes dead drunk, as in a virtual coma—caused by eating Amanita muscaria. The psychoactive effects of “magic mushrooms” are known as tryptamine poisoning (psilocybin, the active ingredient in the magic mushroom, is a tryptamine). It is most often administered intentionally and is characterized by euphoria, distress, uncontrollable laughter, hallucinations, and agitation, often followed, for a number of days, by a feeling of well-being. About 4 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms will cause intense hallucinations. “Talking down” the patient is the usual treatment. Some species in the Clitocybe and Inocybe genera cause muscarine poisoning, which presents as sweating, drooling, and gastrointestinal disorders, and in very severe cases, coma—although the relationship between the degree of poisoning and the dosage is unknown.

也有一些较轻的中毒,通常不致命,但仍然令人不快。其中一种是Antabuse综合症--因治疗酒精中毒的药物而得名。吃某些与酒精有关的蘑菇会让你生病,因此这种中毒的名字也叫 "安塔布塞综合症"。最著名的例子是墨盖菇(Coprinopsis atramentaria),也被称为酒鬼之祸。Pantherine综合症是一种醉酒--就像喝醉了一样,有时是死醉,就像虚拟的昏迷--由吃了Amanita muscaria引起的。"魔菇 "的精神作用被称为色胺中毒(魔菇的有效成分psilocybin是一种色胺)。最常见的是有意施用,其特点是兴奋、痛苦、无法控制的大笑、幻觉和激动,往往在若干天后,会有一种幸福感。约4克干银耳菇会引起强烈的幻觉。对患者进行 "劝降 "是通常的治疗方法。Clitocybe和Inocybe属中的一些种类会引起麝香碱中毒,表现为出汗、流口水和胃肠道功能紊乱,非常严重的情况下会出现昏迷--不过中毒程度和剂量之间的关系尚不清楚。

Sautéing or sauteing (UK: /ˈsoʊteɪ.ɪŋ/, US: /soʊˈteɪ.ɪŋ, sɔː-/; from French sauté [sote] 'jumped, bounced' in reference to tossing while cooking) is a method of cooking that uses a relatively small amount of oil or fat in a shallow pan over relatively high heat. Various sauté methods exist.

煎炒烹炸(英国:/ˈsoʊteɪ.ɪŋ,美国:/ˈsoʊteɪ.ɪŋ)。(英国:/ˈsoʊteɪ.ɪŋ/,美国:/soʊteɪ.ɪŋ,sɔ-/。/源自法语 sauté [sote] '跳跃,弹跳',指的是烹调时的翻滚)是一种使用相对较少的油或脂肪在浅盘中以相对较高的热量进行烹饪的方法。有各种炒法。

Fiddleheads or fiddlehead greens are the furled fronds of a young fern, harvested for use as a vegetable. Left on the plant, each fiddlehead would unroll into a new frond (circinate vernation). As fiddleheads are harvested early in the season before the frond has opened and reached its full height, they are cut fairly close to the ground. Fiddleheads have antioxidant activity, are a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and are high in iron and fibre. Certain varieties of fiddleheads have been shown to be carcinogenic. The fiddlehead resembles the curled ornamentation (called a scroll) on the end of a stringed instrument, such as a fiddle. It is also called a crozier, after the curved staff used by bishops, which has its origins in the shepherd's crook.

蕨菜或蕨菜是一种幼嫩蕨类植物的褶皱叶片,采摘后可作为蔬菜使用。如果留在植物上,每个蕨菜都会展开成一个新的叶片(环状叶片)。蕨菜在季节早期收获时,叶子还没有张开,还没有达到它的全部高度,所以它们被切得相当接近地面。蕨菜具有抗氧化活性,是欧米伽-3和欧米伽-6脂肪酸的来源,并含有大量的铁和纤维。某些品种的蕨菜已被证明是致癌物。提琴头类似于小提琴等有弦乐器末端的卷曲装饰物(称为卷轴)。它也被称为 "羊角棒",源于主教们使用的弯曲的杖,它起源于牧羊人的钩子。

The protagonist of certain pillows, typically in phylum Basidiomycota from Agaricales but also from other species, is the umbrella-shaped fruiting body (sporophore). The word mushroom is widely used to describe edible sporophores; it is often used for non-alimentary or poisonous sporophores. Nevertheless, there is no empirical difference between the two terms, so either can be attributed properly to any fruiting system of fleshy fungi. Mushroom suggests the common edible fungus of fields and meadows (Agaricus campestris) in a very restricted context. A genus that is very closely related, A. Bisporus, is a fungus commonly grown and seen on the shelves. Umbrella-shaped sporophores are found primarily in the Agaricaceae genus, representatives of which carry small, blade-like gills on the underside of the cap from which the spores are expelled. An agaric's sporophore contains a cap (pileus) and a stem (stipe). The sporophore arises from a vast underground network of threadlike (mycelium) threads. The honey mushroom (Armillaria mellea), is an example of an agaric. Mushroom mycelia, depending on the food supply available, can live for hundreds of years or die within a few months. Thus long thus nourishment is accessible, and temperature and humidity are sufficient, a mycelium produces a new crop of sporophores every year during its fruiting season. Most mushroom fruiting bodies exist in clusters or circles called fairy rings. The mycelium starts with a spore dropping into a favorite spot and developing fibers (hyphae) that develop in all directions, eventually forming a dense mat of underground hyphal threads. Fruiting bodies, formed near the edge of this pad, will expand the ring for centuries. 




双孢蘑菇(Agaricus bisporus)是一种原产于欧洲和北美草原的食用基底菌。它在未成熟时有两种颜色状态--白色和棕色--这两种颜色状态都有不同的名称,成熟状态还有其他名称。


A few mushrooms belong to the class Boletales, which bears pores on the underside of the cap in a conveniently detachable base. Most of the species classified as mushrooms include the agarics and boletes. Nevertheless, certain types of fungi are known, at least by laymen, to mushroom. These include hydnums or hedgehog mushrooms with claws, spines, or warts on the bottom of the cap (e.g., Dentinum repandum, Hydnum imbricatum) or branch ends. As in the boletes, the polypores, shelf fungi, or bracket fungi (order Polyporales) have channels under the base but are not in a readily separable sheet. Polypores usuallypillows grow on dead or live plants, sometimes as deadly plagues. Many of them regenerate development every year and therefore generate annual growth layers that can approximate their age. Sources include the saddle of dryad (Polyporus squamosus), the fungus of beefsteak (Fistulina hepatica), the fungus of sulfur (P. sulphureus), The Fungus of the creator and the species of the Trametes family (Ganoderma applanatum or Fomes apparatus). In growing habit, the calvaria or fungi clubs are shrublike, club life, or coral-like, e.g., Clavaria, Ramaria. Another club fungus, the cauliflower fungus (Sparassis crispa), has crowded, flattened stems that lay near together, making the vegetable cauliflower look. The Cantharellus fungi (Cantharellus and its relatives) are club-shaped, cone-shaped, or trumpet-shaped mushroom-shaped forms with an expanded top bearing roughly folded ridges along the underside and down the stalk. The highly prized edible chanterelle (C. cibarius) and the horn-of-abundant mushroom (Craterellus cornucopioides) are exceptions. Puffballs (Lycoperdaceae family), stinkhorn, earthstars (puffball kind), and birds ' nest fungus are usually treated with mushroom. Because of its form and fleshy texture, the morels (Morchella, Verpa) and fake morels or lorchels (Gyromitra, Helvella) of the Ascomycota phylum are popularly included with the real mushrooms; they mimic a tightly folded or pitted conelike sponge on top of a hollow stalk. Some of these are among the most known edible fungi (e.g., Morchella esculenta). The community of ascomycetous comprises the cup fungi, often heavily colored, with a cuplike or dishlike fruiting form.


鏽色亞齒菌學名Hydnellum ferrugineum)是煙白齒菌科中的一個齒菌屬種。作為一種廣泛分布的物種,它被發現在北非、亞洲、歐洲和北美。地面上的真菌子實體單獨或成簇在針葉林,通常是在差(低營養)或砂土。擔子果偏於陀螺形,直徑為3~10 cm(1~4英寸)。它們的天鵝絨般的表面,最初為白色變成粉紅色,有時中滲出的紅色液體滴。果實主體的下表面特徵白色到紅褐色棘突多達6 毫米長。成熟子實體色澤變深棕紅,並隨後很難從其他類似Hydnellum物種區分開來。在它所生長的腐殖質和上層土壤中,鏽色亞齒菌形成菌絲體墊。真菌的存在改變了土壤的特性,使得它更灰化

hedgehog mushroom 刺猬蘑菇


美味牛肝菌學名Boletus edulis)是一種可食用的蘑菇,也稱大腿蘑網紋牛肝菌,屬於真菌類。



Spore Discharge 
Let's go back to our cow patty and its solitary mushroom. Zoom in closer: deep in darkness, millions of small, baseball-bat-shaped basidia pop out from the flat faces of the gills covering the underside of the parasol, and four ovoid, purple-black spores emerge at the wide end of each basidium. At the outer end of the basidium, recognized as a sterilant, each spore is perched like a cap upon a tiny horn-shaped protuberance. Due to the miracles of evaporative cooling taking place on the sun-beaten upper face of the shell, the air around the gills becomes warm and much warmer than that around the mushroom. Water condenses around the spore and its tiny stand as the weather cools, and a droplet begins to form at the spot they move in. The droplet expands until it can no longer bear its own weight, the surface tension drops, and the droplet water spills over the spore's body. The action's intensity pushes the spore towards the sterigma. Being somewhat elastic, the stigma falls somewhat below the spore's weight, only to push back with an equal and opposite intensity to propel the spore from its perch into the open space beyond the gill's nose. The amount of force is measured specifically to hurtle the spore far enough to break the surface of its own gill, but not so far that it smacks into the one facing. Then, it succumbs to gravity and is pulled straight down and out under the mushroom's bottom lip, where, with a little bit of luck, it will be carried away by a gust of wind along with millions of its relatives. When the wind subsides in our area, two spores from our mushroom have landed on a grass patch, where they now wait patiently for spores. For something to bring them closer together, or somebody. 


Fungal growth 
Now imagine a cow, perhaps the one that produced that same cow patty from chapter beginning. The cow mumbles on the grass in our area, because that's what cows like to do, and sooner or later she consumes the grass blades on which our single spores rest, mumming them down with her food. Swallowed with the vegetation too, they are washed across her digestive tract only to appear at the other end sometime later. Fortunately, through the guts of the animal, the spores become robust and well fortified and do not experience any ill effects from their wild side. Better yet, they find themselves smack in the middle of a pile of their favorite food for their troubles: cowshit. Soon thereafter, each of our spores germinates, their cells divide and slowly grow out into the delectable and nutrient-rich materials in the cow patty.  
Fungi are growing. Hyphae masses are commonly referred to as the fungal mycelium. To the naked eye, fungal mycelium sometimes appears on the surface of the food source (or substratum) as thin, fluffy, or hair-like growth, as you may see at the underside of an upturned log. Many fungi spend most of their days as an undifferentiated mycelium, creating only rarely unique, complex structures such as chestnuts. Hyphal development is also destructive, meaning it happens throughout the substratum, and often inside. Digestive enzymes secreted from the tips of the progressing mycelium turn the substrate into simpler organic molecules, to be consumed or swallowed up by the mycelium as it marches. Fungi do their digestion outside, in turn. Although we want to cook our meals inside our own anonymity, fungi prefer eating out. All the fungi we address in this book are saprophytes, or saprobes, which implies that they obtain their nutrients from non-living organic matter, dead or rotting plants in this case. It compares with parasitic fungi that colonize and eat living organisms, sometimes ending up consuming their host and mycorrhizal fungi, which work with their host plants in a symbiotic way. 


Agaricus bisporus is an edible basidiomycete mushroom native to grasslands in Europe and North America. It has two color states while immature – white and brown – both of which have various names, with additional names for the mature state.

A. bisporus is cultivated in more than seventy countries,[2] and is one of the most commonly and widely consumed mushrooms in the world.

When immature and white, this mushroom may be known as common mushroomwhite mushroom,[3] button mushroom,[3] cultivated mushroomtable mushroom, and champignon mushroom. When immature and brown, it may be known variously as Swiss brown mushroomRoman brown mushroomItalian brown mushroomcremini/crimini mushroom,[4][5] chestnut mushroom (not to be confused with Pholiota adiposa), and baby bella.[4]

When marketed in its mature state, the mushroom is brown with a cap measuring 10–15 centimetres (4–6 inches).[5] This form is commonly sold under the names portobello mushroom,[5][6] portabella mushroom,[7] and portobella mushroom, but the etymology is disputed.[5][6]

双孢蘑菇(Agaricus bisporus)是一种原产于欧洲和北美草原的食用基底菌。它在未成熟时有两种颜色状态--白色和棕色--这两种颜色状态都有不同的名称,成熟状态还有其他名称。


当未成熟和白色时,这种蘑菇可能被称为普通蘑菇、白蘑菇、[3] 纽扣蘑菇、[3] 栽培蘑菇、食用蘑菇和香槟蘑菇。当未成熟并呈褐色时,它可能被称为瑞士褐菇、罗马褐菇、意大利褐菇、克雷米尼/克里米尼菇、[4][5]栗子菇(不要与Pholiota adiposa混淆)和贝拉宝宝[4]。


Maybe, I thought, looking out my airplane window at the great red continental collision that is the Rocky Mountains, I would have a personal epiphany when I took the mushrooms. My commuter flight from Denver to Grand Junction was flying like a bee in a windstorm, changing altitude constantly as we were buffeted by updrafts: the kind of flight that tempts you to write a good-bye note on the back of the seat in front of you. Oddly, Iwas less nervous about that bumpy plane ride than I was about taking the mushrooms, even with the possibility that I might have some kind of revelation that would, I didn’t know, make me decide to start farming beets or something. I was relieved to learn that psilocybin is not particularly toxic. (“Psilocybe mushrooms?” laughed David Campbell when I expressed my worries. “Safe as milk.”) There has never been a fatality reported from Psilocybe mushroom poisoning, although there have been plenty of cases of teenagers high on mushrooms walking into freeway traffic and other such tragedies. The mushrooms may not be poisonous, but that doesn’'t mean taking them is safe.

  Other mushrooms produce psilocybin or analogous mushroom alkaloids. A major one is ergot, the fruiting body of the grain pathogen Claviceps purpurea. Ergot can be synthesized (or metabolized) into LSD and, when ingested, can affect the same serotonin receptors in the brain as psilocin. But LSD also affects dopamine receptors, which psilocin does not. High dopaminergic transmission has been linked to psychosis and schizophrenia. While there are psychoactive substances in the Gymnopilus (laughing jims), Panaeolus, Pluteus, Conocybe, and Inocybe genera, 80 percent of psilocybin-producing mushrooms are in the Psilocybe genus, well over a third of which are from Mexico. Psilocybe are similar to an untold number of LBMs (little brown mushrooms), but they have one defining but not absolute characteristic: They stain blue. Blue stain is an indicator of the presence of psilocybin, and in general the more blue stain, the more psilocybin is present. * A great deal of the biology of Psilocybe mushrooms was first described by the Mexican mycologist Gastdn Guzman, whose work The Genus Psilocybe: A Systematic Revision of the Known Species Including the History, Distribution and Chemistry of the Hallucinogenic Species is still the definitive text. He discovered and authored works on half of all known species.

  Psilocybe mushrooms are widely dispersed and are opportunistic, rather like morels. They sometimes even produce a sclerotium (known as the magic truffle), presumably to withstand environmental challenges like fires. Psilocybe grows in grasslands, on dung (the nutritional makeup of the dung and soil may affect the potency of the mushroom), and in man-made habitats like mulched corporate parks, golf courses, and gardens. Paul Stamets said he likes to look for them in the landscaping around Google and Apple headquarters and that he’s also found them on college campuses and in the landscaping outside courthouses and police stations. Psilocybe mushrooms are found in floodplains, in woodlands, and to a lesser degree on burns. They are ubiquitous in the Pacific Northwest, throughout the southwestern United States, in the tropics (there is a P. cubensis, first found in Cuba), in temperate forests across Europe, and in the subtropical Far East, for starters. Weirdly, there are none in Colorado. Well, one, once. In 1993, after years of searching, P. telluridensis was “discovered” in the high alpine wilderness above Telluride. Never found again, it was likely a prank.

I was keen to go to Telluride because for the first time I would actually know a fair number of people, new friends I was hoping to know better. I felt like I was moving away from being just a witness to the mushroom community and with the advent of these blossoming friendships, I was on the cusp of joining the community. The mushroom subculture is very large, of course, but I was definitely finding my particular niche: the hipster mycologist, foodies with PhDs. And many of them were attracted to the merry capriciousness of the Telluride festival.

也许,我想,看着飞机窗外落基山脉这块巨大的红色大陆碰撞,我吃了蘑菇后会有个人的顿悟。我从丹佛飞往大枢纽的通勤航班就像一只暴风中的蜜蜂,不断地改变高度,因为我们受到上升气流的冲击:那种诱惑你在你前面的座位后面写一张告别的纸条的飞行。奇怪的是,比起服用蘑菇,我对那段颠簸的飞机旅程并不那么紧张,甚至我可能会有某种启示,我不知道,让我决定开始种植甜菜什么的。我很欣慰地了解到psilocybin并没有特别的毒性。("psilocybe蘑菇? "当我表达我的担忧时,David Campbell笑了。"像牛奶一样安全")。) 从未有过Psilocybe蘑菇中毒致死的报道,虽然有很多青少年嗑蘑菇走入高速公路车流和其他类似悲剧的案例。蘑菇可能不是有毒的,但这并不意味着食用他们是安全的。

  其他蘑菇产生psilocybin或类似的蘑菇生物碱。一个主要的是麦角,谷物病原体Claviceps purpurea的果体。麦角可以合成(或代谢)成LSD,摄入后可以影响大脑中和psilocyin一样的血清素受体。但LSD也会影响多巴胺受体,而psilocin不会。高多巴胺能传递与精神病和精神分裂症有关。虽然在Gymnopilus(笑锦)、Panaeolus、Pluteus、Conocybe和Inocybe属中都有精神活性物质,但80%产psilocybin的蘑菇是在Psilocybe属中,其中远超过三分之一来自墨西哥。Psilocybe与数不清的LBM(小褐菇)相似,但它们有一个决定性但不是绝对的特征:它们会染上蓝色。蓝色染色是存在psilocybin的一个指标,一般来说,蓝色染色越多,psilocybin的含量越多。* Psilocybe蘑菇的大量生物学知识是由墨西哥霉菌学家Gastdn Guzman首先描述的,他的著作《The Genus Psilocybe: 包括致幻菌种的历史、分布和化学成分的系统性修订》至今仍是权威性文本。他发现和撰写的著作占所有已知种的一半。

  Psilocybe蘑菇分布很广,而且是机会主义的,颇有几分像蘑菇。它们有时甚至会产生硬核(被称为魔力松露),大概是为了抵御火灾等环境挑战。Psilocybe生长在草地上、粪便上(粪便和土壤的营养构成可能会影响蘑菇的效力),以及人工栖息地,如覆盖的公司公园、高尔夫球场和花园。Paul Stamets说,他喜欢在谷歌和苹果总部周围的景观中寻找它们,他还在大学校园以及法院和警察局外的景观中发现它们。Psilocybe蘑菇在洪泛区、林地中都有发现,少部分在烧伤处。它们在西北太平洋地区、整个美国西南部、热带地区(有一种P. cubensis,最早发现于古巴)、欧洲各地的温带森林以及亚热带的远东地区都无处不在。奇怪的是,科罗拉多州没有。好吧,有一个,有一次。1993年,经过多年的搜寻,在Telluride上方的高山荒野中 "发现 "了P. telluridensis。再也没有被发现,这很可能是个恶作剧。


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