Sunday, September 10, 2000

#4 tried to reach me for quite a number of times. I dodged.
For the past couple of days, I was busy dating #3. I had slept with her for 3 times. I went boating with #3 today. I thought we both fell in love. We had unsuccessful sex though. My fault. I'm really in bad shape recently. Don't know why. Not enough exercise? Not enough nutrition?
I am feeling really empty this moment. Made #3 cried. She cried because what I said. Gosh... I regretted what I said. Did I want to drive her away from me?
Why cried? Maybe she really loves me. I escorted her back home. I left. She said she preferred to be alone tomorrow although we had made plan for tomorrow.
I really wondered if I really loved her.
The real question is:"What is love?" Carol left me. Yee left me. #3 is about to leave me. Did I drive them away.
Come on. Look at the bright side, ERic. You're going to be single again la!!! You are going to meet another fantastic girl. Maybe this is what you really want ERic. Get their love and then drive them away. Enjoyed the chasing process and then skillfully drove them away from you...
ERic, you are scum. You are fucking SCUM.
Ha. Whenever I'm in bad mood. I turned to
I'd really like to treat better. Like writing something happy but not always sad stuffs.

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