Monday, December 29, 2008

我看过人事招聘研究指出, 应聘面试结果, 在应聘者和招聘方负责人见面时候头十秒钟已经得出了 Yes or No 的结论的了!

换句话说, 应聘者可能未坐稳, 招聘方潜意识中已经得出了结论; 之后林林种种的对话问答, 都是招聘方的考官在找理据去支持自己的潜意识早已建立了的偏见而已!

另外, 我年初看了几本 Oxford 的 Very Short Introduction (VSI) 系列书. 其中一本 (具体题目我忘记) 里面介绍了一则心理学上著名的实验, 证明人的思想行为, 是人的脑子某潜意识部分 (百分之几秒前) 预先做了决定, 甚至触发了肌肉神经去开始行动, 然后再通知脑子中的意识中枢的! 换句话说, 人, 可能只是以为自己有 free will, 其实却是受制于自己的潜意识所 "控制" 而茫然不知. 当中, 作者安慰读者, 虽然这种研究结论 ( 无 free will ) 非常悲哀, 但是, 因为意识总会 "到站", 而 "行动" 却在那时往往未完全构成, 我们如果时常保持警惕, 是可以 "反控" 和 "阻止" 潜意识已经发出了出来的命令的.

这一期的 The Economist (经济学人) 圣诞专辑中 ( The way the brain buys, The science of shopping: ), 也有提及到了科学家研究 shoppers 的感性的 (潜意识) 和意识判断. 文中除了提及了上述的概念之外, 更提及了两个欧美超级市场的营销手段. 当作提及的两个手段, categorised selection 和 irrelevant alternatives, 我们可以参考, 建议阅读论述这两个概念的内文看看!

categorised selection, 我们也某个程度上在使用, 例如新加入的笑脸, 属于一种买量上的分类.

irrelevant alternatives, 我们也某个程度上试过或好像是在使用, 例如超高价格几万金币套餐.

多拜另外一本 Oxford VSI 系列书 Emotion 介绍了一个美国心理学博士 Diane Mackie 做的心理学实验, 此实验证明了 心情好的人, 做的判断是最容易出错的! 这一点, 对于我们研究市场营销来说, 是一个值得记住的小窍门. 事实上, Yes! 书中, 也三番四次的用实例说明了对顾客先礼后兵的异常突出的果效. 从旁印证说明了先让顾客心情好起来, 然后, 他们做出非理性购物的机会就更大了!

在其他谈论 Emotion 的书中, 这个 Diane Mackie 做的实验也经常被引述, 在我们工作的时候, 值得记住一句话, 那句话是另外一本书 Emotion and Social Judgements 编辑 Joseph Forgas 说的: "You can be feeling good, but you're probably not thinking straight."

中国古语也有云, "哀兵必胜".


广告也喜欢让人心情好, 这里分享一则有趣的美国电视广告

Friday, December 26, 2008

Customizing my Digg account. Sport seems to be the kind of topics to be practiced instead of read so that check them all off!

Monday, October 06, 2008

I'm reviewing the rainbow scalping method. I did a Google search and found some scalpers intended to use it as a way to trade to their financial freedom.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I me try to summarize what made out of this lesson. The core idea of this lesson is to identify a potential continuation of a trend in a higher time frame (day) using trend break and Fibonacci level.

Identify a counter trend break. Access it. Look for its stall (/\) at 38.2% Fibonacci level. Potentially, the stall (/\) can become the start of the continuation of the trend.

\ /\
\ /

How do we evaluate the potential?

Zoom to the lower time frame (hour) of the potential continuation of the trend.


Assess the stall (/\): if the stall qualifies a trend break in the lower time frame, we enter a trade. The target price is 68.3% level of the counter trend*.

* counter trend:


Saturday, July 19, 2008

China Joy still gets two more days to go. However, I'm going to leave for Guangzhou on Saturday. The Friday China Joy has been a happy day. I met the prettiest girl in the it. I'm going to post it here. Unfortunately, I'm married. That's why I just got a nice photo of her and even went back to take a picture with her. She's at W2 Gate 6.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

SribeFire Post

This is the first ScribeFire post. ScribeFire is an Addon of Firefox. I'm using the new FireFox 3 now, by the way. It's faster than its predecessor but it crashed a few times already.

I worked on the translation of Mel's counter statement last night.

The 8-inch thick Sinomax mattress was folded and shuffled under the IKEA Antonius wall mount workbench. I slept on it. My arms had a hard time moving around.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Kite Runner is a really great movie. I love it. Highly recommended. It's the atonement and redemption kind of movies.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Amazingly catchy shop banner. It really makes me laugh when I see it.

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Very minor nasal congestion still exists. I feel great about it, in a way.

I tried to head back to Hunan yesterday night but failed. I figured it wasn't gonna be enough time to get the ticket and to board the train. I'd rather leave today and board the train at leisure.

English Phrase

  • I had nothing better to do, so I thought I'd go[come] along for the ride (凑热闹).
  • The journalists gave the Prime Minister a pretty rough ride (给某人出难题、是某人难受).
  • Thatcher's visceral (【文】(信仰态度)出自内心的、发自肺腑的) dislike of the European Monetary System.
  • "Have a nice time, darling," she trilled. (“玩得开心点,亲爱的。”她欢快递高声道。)
  • trill: 用颤音唱;发出颤音:birds trilling in the trees (在树上鸣啭的鸟)

Friday, February 22, 2008

In Shanghai on a business trip to talk to LYF's friend who created a fairly successful game that's currently doing well in China. DG, LYF and I are living in the Purple Mountain Hotel.

Met Jasmine and Thomas and their friends tonight at Barbarossa Lounge Shanghai. One is black from Nigeria and his girlfriend from Mongolia. Fascinating foreigners. Aren't they all are? I meant foreigners. There is so much to talk about and so many interesting life stories to hear when you meet foreigners.

Jasmine talked about how womanly (女人味, literally mean "woman odor") the Nigeria friend might have found his Mongolia girlfriend would have had. I said to them that any woman could be womanly without showering for a couple of days. They found this comment funny. I'm glad I contributed some laughter to the gathering tonight.

DG is talking about not showering for tonight. I guess he's going to become manly by tomorrow night.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day is today. My blithe unconcern to XH's call from Hunan was a mistake. I was not in the mood to chit-chat at the moment she called. I was in the office where it was quite and others can hear what I say.

I tried to call her back later after work and she told me she had to go to shower and no time to chat.

Moody. Sign.

I had these kind of mood swing, too. I don't blame her. Mood swing sounds like an overstatement, seriously.

I made a purchase. I bought a Logitech V470 Bluetooth wireless mouse. I searched it on Taobao and physically travel to the store to pay for it. 355 RMB it was. I was thinking if I should give it as a gift to IT for she said she's gonna take me to Hongkong as her tour guide to pick up the Apple Macbook Air.

Recovering from the cold, I still got minor symptom of nasal congestion.

I created a new label called "expense." I guess the V470 deserves an inauguration of a new label. Talking about expense, yesterday, I gave XM (my wife's brother) 400 RMB to recharge his phone call to make call to his family in Hunan. XH has been telling me for a couple of days how she was unable to reach her brother through phone. XH is young. I don't know how's going to develop into a man. He's still much a kid.

He reminds me of XSS. I wonder how he's going to cope with the society once he got out four years later. I would really hope if there is anything that I can do to help. On the other hand, helping is not a nice way to put it somehow. Who I am to help anyway. I'm just a 30 something man still having trouble cooking a decent meal for myself. I'm not talking about being officious. I'm talking about offering the silly advice that more mature man, such as XSS, may laugh at.


Who am I to advice anyway!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

There exist a certain pattern with catching a cold. The cold that I got isn't really over when I thought it should have been over during the night in Hong kong sleeping at Stanley's place. Today, in the office, my head and body is so heavy that I told DG that I got to leave for home to get some sleep. DG told me to try sleep on his bed. I tried, but I got up after an hour for the flimsy quilt could hardly keep me warm. Nonetheless, the hour of sleep recharged me. I got back to work. I kept myself sober and sane till 5pm and the cold symptom strike again.

verb [T] FORMAL
to criticize someone or something severely:
Health inspectors castigated the kitchen staff for poor standards of cleanliness.
Martina castigated her boyfriend for not remembering her birthday.

noun [C]
1 (MAINLY US aerie) the nest of an eagle or other large bird which eats meat, usually built in a high, distant place
2 a room or apartment that is high up in a building:
I interviewed the chairman of the company in his seventh-floor eyrie.

noun [U] FORMAL
clever, dishonest talk or behaviour which is used to deceive people:
The investigation revealed political chicanery and corruption at the highest levels.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I went to Hong Kong for grandmother's 97th birthday dinner gathering. Cousin Stanley announced his plan for the weddings which may take place on July 2008. Dad and I slept in their Kornhill apartment living room. It faces the mountain side of the Tai Tam Country Park. Cousin Stanley's fiancée, interesting, opined the gift of expensive flower boutique during Valentine's Day, which is imminent. If cousin Stanley were planning to send her the flowers, she'd rather get the equivalent cash amount instead of getting the gift of flowers.

I slept on my back with the head tilted backward and sometimes slept sideway to
palliate the buildup of mucus inside the nasal passages. The nasal congestion symptom reached its peak during the beginning of the night.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Runny nose. The recent days were freezing cold. I googled and found people are actually practicing a so-called nasal irrigation (Youtube video)! It's fascinating! I'd have to try it sometimes once I get a hand on that pot!

I hanged out with IT these couple of days. We talked a lot. The vibe is good. However, I sense that we've lost touch with most of our local peer friends. I started my own family. She got promoted and was given more responsibilities. She said that the mind seemed to start to think differently when one is in the position of a manager. Positioning is the key to define one's duty; and in turn, the duty defines what and how she thinks and reacts to things around her. I think one may perform a manager's duty once he or she is given proper training on how to become one. Even those whom didn't have the privilege to be trained by professionals, practice makes perfect once he or she is in the managerial position for a certain period of time.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Blogger's labeling seems useful, but having all the key phrase and keywords adding into the labels for this post seems a bit tedious and the right column looks awful after a few editions of the keywords and after they pile up. Perhaps I'd have to treat the label as topics instead.

Waked up 11:30am this morning. The word that I'm going to learn today is beset and at the coalface.

adjective [after verb]
troubled (by); full (of):
With the amount of traffic nowadays, even a trip across town is beset by/with dangers.

at the coalface UK
doing the work involved in a job, in real working conditions, rather than planning or talking about it:
At the coalface with a deadline looming, you sometimes feel under a lot of pressure.
The new methods will help teachers working at the coalface.

If you work at the coalface, you deal with the real problems and issues, rather than sitting in a office discussing things in a detached way.

It is the Chinese New Year. Mandy and August is in Hunan. I miss them very much. I watch August's photos on Smugmug almost daily. Mandy told me on the phone that August is getting fatter. The weather in Hunan is freezing cold. I wonder how they can survive without a heater.