Wednesday, February 21, 2001

I just had this rush to write this down after a quick nap...
I suddenly remember the "loving feeling". The loving feeling I am talking about is the mutual loving feeling. Of course, I am referring to the experience I had with carol. The scene was set at Iona beach in Richmond, Canada. I dreamt that I was sitting there alone. carol was not around. I was watching the sunset. The orange sun setting with grace. I felt peaceful. Why?
Imagine that carol (or the one I'd love) loving me... and... I love her, too. Love not only the moment we'd be together but also the feeling of lasting love. The feeling of no matter what'd happen she'd be with you. That's the kind of feeling I dreamt about during my office quick nap. That loving feeling... wooo... I really want to capture it somehow. It's very very familiar feeling. Although it seems remote, but I really just know that "it" was with me. I want "it" back. I really want "it" back. I am passionate about "it".
"Come on... describe "it" more in case you forget, eric...", I silently whispering to myself afraid of scaring it away if my whisper's too loud!
I also remember... I also remember... I also remember... "it" is mine... I didn't share with her. Is real love supposed to be like so? Am I just enjoying myself but neglected her?
I stopped. I have just read what I wrote. I couldn't feel what I supposed to feel when I read the above lines... gosh... so frustrating... damn... I'd been day dreaming during my English literature lessons. :p
anyway... not asking for too much.... will "it" please come back once in a while? :)
Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What eventually it is necessary to it?