Tuesday, March 06, 2001

Now I am living in office. First night. Lawrence's gonna be here as well. We've just finished discussing some issues regarding our company's direction and what our future might hold.
I called F. today for a lunch date on Wednesday. I didn't know why I made it on Wednesday. But I made it on Wednesday anyway. :p My heart beats.
DD ICQed me today. I confessed to DD that I had had a crush on her while I was with carol but "withdrew my crash" afterward due to some reasons... which is: "I love carol." She said that she had sensed it then. I said I was amazed. Afterall, sensitivity is every girl's basic instinct!
DK had dinner with ML. Eager to hear what they have to say about their first date after their break-up few years ago. Well, ML's going to get married on September, 2001 anyway. I believe there's nothing much DK can do except wishing her happy.
What a day today of love affair finale!

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