Wednesday, March 04, 2009

保人者难自保 —— AIA 意外医疗保险

刚刚想搵 AIA 买份保险。今天又爆新闻 AIG 搵 AIA 过桥,让 AIA 给美国政府。AIA 身为 AIG 母公司的赚钱奶牛,原本以为无死,点知现在搞到甘样呢。我份保险单仲应唔应该搵 AIA 买呢?

To further ease A.I.G.'s debt burden, instead of paying back $38 billion in cash with interest that it has used from a federal credit line, government will convert that into equity in two of the insurer’s subsidiaries in Asia — American International Assurance and the American Life Insurance Company.

Both units are performing well. This would give the government direct ownership in those subsidiaries and provide saleable assets to American taxpayers even if the A.I.G. holding company were to default on its loans.

The government stake in American International Assurance will probably be controversial. The unit had been put up for sale recently, without success. That suggests that the government is giving A.I.G. better terms than private investors were willing to give, exposing the government to further accusations that it is providing a handout to A.I.G.


收買佬 said...

聽個保險佬講﹐大陸AIA 個plan 無香港的0甘平﹐若然屬實﹐那你都係落0黎買好過勒。

收買佬 said...




>double 了,槓杆式回報確實是無敵的。

其實大陸房地產市道怎樣﹐最好你有空寫多一點。這一part 我真的無頭緒。


EonLabs said...

我响香港买 terms life 寿险。每月几百蚊,我死就赔几百万,大概内地水平,可以够我老婆如果唔嫁人都可以养大两个女。如果运气好,改嫁,可以够我两个女去比较好的大学读书。香港 terms life 寿险,够实惠;而大陆就超贵,同样赔甘多,要 4-5倍月费,仲唔系间间都有,非常郁闷!

医疗保就仲做紧调研,但系 so far (『调研』是一个非常大陆既词语!呵呵。我返大陆学的第一个内地词语,意思系调查研究。)

我响加拿大读完书,就立誓除非以后发达有司机,肯定唔再买车,因为实在太讨厌四年早晨 rush hour 返学的日子了。所以,现在都是几逮住近工作地点,奉旨唔搭车返工。


都唔知点解,物业管理水平,普遍是低下的。系广州,即使系高级住宅,外墙维修保养都是要撞彩先有好的,普遍几年就 lud 皮 lud 骨好丑样。
